Yeah!! Yeah!! Yeah!!! I'm so happy!! We won!!! We did it!!!
France won their qualification game against Austria tonight!!! Yeah!! I'm so happy!!
The weirdest thing just happened to me, reader! I was on my way out of my room, in order to go in the corridor see if anybody was setting booby traps on my way to the kitchen (to get revenge), and in my enthusiasm I guess, or maybe it was because of the erratic movements I was making with my legs (I tend to call that my "victory dance", but most people would probably describe it as 'erratic movements'), I completely unhinged my door.

Have you ever tried to re-hinge a door all by yourself? I couldn't call for help, y'know, one has to have dignity (you have to agree, my dignity standards are not too high, but still!!) Have you ever tried to re-hinge a door all by yourself while laughing hysterically and trying to keep the noise down? Well it's a lot of fun. I think I'll do it again some day. And from the look of things, it seems like I'm going to have to do it everyday! Am I not lucky??
Maybe I should just seize the moment to tell you about the flat I live in? I share it with two Austrian students, who are really nice, but who I don't see very often. The trouble, apart from the fact that my door is now completely out of order, is that the bathroom doesn't really have a door, it's more of some kind of screen, that only very partially hides the actual bathroom. Which is directly connected to the kitchen. That's really handy. Concretely, it means you cannot shower while someone is having breakfast.
"Why on earth did you pick such a lousy flat, then?" asks my -once again- perplexed reader? Well, it has to do with my allergy problems. I think all the bad things which happen to me are always related to my allergy problems...
Anyway, I was in a really cool youth hostel in Graz (by the way, here is a link to the website! I wonder why I never thought of it before!! It's such a great place to stay!! The owner is extremely welcoming and helpful, really if any of you have relatives visiting and don't know where to make them sleep, send them there!! - I loved it there (as you might have guessed) but the owner also has a cat, which is lovely, but turned me into elephant man in a matter of days. Bloated face, red eyes, runny nose, the whole lot. I just couldn't stand it anymore, so I picked the first "WG" I found. Might have been a mistake, looking back on it, but hell, I'll manage!!
Well, this post is still not about Tolstoï, and it's not even about what I wanted it to be about... I meant to say "our coach might look like a sheepdog, but we can play football!! If the players on the opposite team restrain from insulting our players, that is. I'll never forgive the Italians!! NEVER!!!". But there we go! I said it!
Next time, I'll say somethin clever! Promise!!
PS: I categorize this into "cultural issues", but I'm not sure that unhinging my door belongs in there... I don't actually think anything about this post deserves to be called "cultural"...
France won their qualification game against Austria tonight!!! Yeah!! I'm so happy!!
The weirdest thing just happened to me, reader! I was on my way out of my room, in order to go in the corridor see if anybody was setting booby traps on my way to the kitchen (to get revenge), and in my enthusiasm I guess, or maybe it was because of the erratic movements I was making with my legs (I tend to call that my "victory dance", but most people would probably describe it as 'erratic movements'), I completely unhinged my door.
Have you ever tried to re-hinge a door all by yourself? I couldn't call for help, y'know, one has to have dignity (you have to agree, my dignity standards are not too high, but still!!) Have you ever tried to re-hinge a door all by yourself while laughing hysterically and trying to keep the noise down? Well it's a lot of fun. I think I'll do it again some day. And from the look of things, it seems like I'm going to have to do it everyday! Am I not lucky??
Maybe I should just seize the moment to tell you about the flat I live in? I share it with two Austrian students, who are really nice, but who I don't see very often. The trouble, apart from the fact that my door is now completely out of order, is that the bathroom doesn't really have a door, it's more of some kind of screen, that only very partially hides the actual bathroom. Which is directly connected to the kitchen. That's really handy. Concretely, it means you cannot shower while someone is having breakfast.
"Why on earth did you pick such a lousy flat, then?" asks my -once again- perplexed reader? Well, it has to do with my allergy problems. I think all the bad things which happen to me are always related to my allergy problems...
Anyway, I was in a really cool youth hostel in Graz (by the way, here is a link to the website! I wonder why I never thought of it before!! It's such a great place to stay!! The owner is extremely welcoming and helpful, really if any of you have relatives visiting and don't know where to make them sleep, send them there!! - I loved it there (as you might have guessed) but the owner also has a cat, which is lovely, but turned me into elephant man in a matter of days. Bloated face, red eyes, runny nose, the whole lot. I just couldn't stand it anymore, so I picked the first "WG" I found. Might have been a mistake, looking back on it, but hell, I'll manage!!
Well, this post is still not about Tolstoï, and it's not even about what I wanted it to be about... I meant to say "our coach might look like a sheepdog, but we can play football!! If the players on the opposite team restrain from insulting our players, that is. I'll never forgive the Italians!! NEVER!!!". But there we go! I said it!
Next time, I'll say somethin clever! Promise!!
PS: I categorize this into "cultural issues", but I'm not sure that unhinging my door belongs in there... I don't actually think anything about this post deserves to be called "cultural"...
8 commentaires:
Hahaha !! je ne sais pas comment tu fais dans cet appart !!! Déjà que moi je vérifie 10 fois si la porte de la salle de bain est bien fermée et que je mets tout un tas de bazar devant pour être sûr qu'on ne me voit pas.... Hum ^^'
Sinon je voulais aussi répondre à une des questions de ton mail auquel j'ai honteusement oublié de répondre (re-hum....) ! J'aurai donc effectivement un stand mais ce sera au festival de la BD de Colmar en fait (encore mieux que prévu !!!!), et celui-ci se déroulera le 13 mai si je ne me trompe pas... Est-ce que tu penses que tu seras là ?
Bisous bisous ^_^ Et encore merci !!!!
Ah merde!! Non, le 13nmai à priori, je serai encore à Graz! Mais dis moi, c'est la suprême classe!! J'espère qu'un super éditeur passera par là, et t'offrira un pont en or, ainsi qu'un chateau en Toscane pour y travailler paisiblement. Bon, d'accord, plutôt une grande et luxueuse maison dans une forêt de cerisier au Japon. :) Je pourrai passer te voir?
La salle de bains, c'est difficile, mais je commence surtout à flipper sévère au sujet de la porte de ma chambre, qui ne tient plus que par un gond, et que je dois remboîter à chaque fois que je sors ou que je rentre... Beuh!! Je veux pas perdre ma caution!!! Bref. Merci pour le commentaire!! D'adooooooore les commentaires!!! Plein de bisoux!
hahahaha !
tu l'as fait !
et oui on a gagné ! Vive la France !
Quelle joie de se faire passer pour des footeuses alors que ce n'est même pas la cas !
Juste un sens du patriotisme développé... quand on gagne !
Je propose que tu demandes à tes colocs de te la réparer, ta porte. Si ils ne veulent pas, tu les menaces de recréer de la vie au fond du frigo.
Ouèèè! jyarrive! (*petit smiley vert qui bondit*)
Yeah! Ca maaaarche!!! Tu peux laisser des commentaires!!
J'ai dit à Peter que j'avais des problèmes de porte, et je lui ai fait une démonstration sur pièce, il a dit qu'il s'en occuperai la semaine prochaine. Gentil de sa part. Bref, en tous cas, ça devrait être arrangé quand je rentrerai de Colmar! (enfin j'espère!)
Alors là, moi, j'ai un terrible témoignage à apporter dans ce difficile débat : celui de personne rescapée du problèmes de gonds de FENETRE de salle de bains.
Je ne pouvais plus ouvrir, le gond était sorti du mur, la rouille bloquait tout, ma détresse était grande et les dommages psychologiques du moisi sur le rideau de douche étaient considérables. Mais aujourd'hui j'en suis sortie -- grâce à une seule personne, qui tient à garder un modeste anonymat : Alain G. En un clin d'oeil, il a réglé le problème, démonté la fenêtre et remplacé le gond défaillant. Depuis, ma vie a changé, mes chakras de shampooing sont harmonieusx et ma cabine de douche respire. Si j'arrivais à changer les ampoules des spots, mon existence serait parfaite...
Allez, biz !
Eh voilàà!! Je devrais le faire venir!! PArce que pour le moment, mes chances de voir ma porte réparée tiennent du zéro absolu... Mais bon, je via sles supplier encore une fois avant de faire route vers COlmar dès demain... Je fais confiance au destin!! Je suis sûre que ma porte sera réparée quand je reviendrai!!
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