Hi reader!
Well, as you might have noticed, I have not written in a little while, because I have been very busy finding things to do instead of learning for my exams... The good thing about this activity, is that it is very time consuming, and you are never quite bored, since you are too bu
sy feeling guilty. Besides, if you have a lesson to learn, and you don't do it, you can't learn for another exam, which might be interesting, because that's not what you need to do first, so you might as well just look at another episode of whatever crap you see on TV-Links. SABOTAGE!!! SABOTAGE!!! How can I POSSIBLY WORK now???? Dr House needs me because I'm such a good doctor, Tru Calling needs me making sarcastic comments about her lines, Heroes need me analysing the Indian professor's smile -oooh, the Indian professor from Heroes... Ever seen Heroes reader? Well... hee hee hee... you should... ^_^ By the way, this picture doesn't do him justice, he looks better when you can't quite see that he has a flat head like the guys in the Mediamarkt ad... :D

I don't know if it goes the same for you reader, but somehow, when I have something to do, something necessary and important, generally, even if it is interesting, I have an terrible impulse to do somthing else. For example, instead of reading my notes on a very interesting course called "defining Britishness" (I'm not being ironic there, reader, it really is very interesting), I decide to play solitaire for three hours, thinking about what a bad girl I am, lazy and... well, lazy, until I get a terrible panick attack, and learn. But sometimes, I wonder if it would actually be better to start learning early in the year, because thanks to this -wonderful- technique, when I come and sit my exam, I remember little details, which make it look like I learnt my lesson extremely well... Which, of course, doesn't work for language learning, since there is no lesson to learn, all you need is a zen-master like discipline, year in, year out :D... Just like me.

But for my Erasmus year, I have been choosing courses in which I learn more about history and stuff, courses with which you end up, at the end of the year, with a thick pile of paper, which you need to cram into your head inside of three days... I actually don't know if I like it better than language courses or not, but it definitely tells you a lot about your teacher. For example, somtimes, you discover with amazed eyes, that the course was actually incredibly interesting, fact that you had failed to notice until now. I honestly think this is the most frequent case, although, of course, sometimes, it's the opposite, and you realise that even though the teacher said passionnating things in class, it is terrible to read your notes, and you don't understand anything anymore. I guess maybe it's because when I'm bored, I have more time to take notes and do it more carefully than when I am listening keenly to the teacher. I just hope what I have heard is enough to compensate!
Anyway, here was my post about learning for my exam, a very subtely... very subteltyfully... (what's the word? Sublty actually, never heard it before...) Anyway, a very subtly concealed attempt to ask for your forgiveness if I don't write as often as usual these coming weeks. :D I know you can't live without my posts, reader, that's what I do to people....
11 commentaires:
oh yeah! it's amazing how interesting some things suddenly become when you really have to study...washing dishes, for example. recently I even cleaned my window...:)
Oh Lord... No, it's not that bad for me yet... Thank God!! Cleaning windows??? If you need some help, if you want to talk, you know where to find me!! Free support available at all times! :D
Oh... oh mais ça alors... non... mais n'aurions-nous pas des gènes en commun, par hasard ?
:D Ah, les miracles de la génétique...
thanks! I appreciate that :) I really was desparate at at that time...:))
claire, it's like you're reading my thoughts...
before studying, my room definitely needs to be cleaned, NOW. Yesterday I cleaned the bathroom, con you believe that?
And today, I became a victim of tv-links again. I don't know how many times I saw Scrubs today...
Well, how strange! Everybody seems to be the same!! It's just that I wonder how learning for an exam, which is boring but OK, can make even the most dreary, terrible thing look thrilling. Like tyding your room, or even, in some terrible, extreme cases, people have been known to clean windows!!!! Can you imagine??? Thanks for commenting!
Very, very strange... But it's good to know that I'm not alone with that...
How about we create a support group?? The Anonymous Group of Unable-to-Work People... How about that? And we could militate for a total suppression of exams??
That would be aaaaaaawesome! But the big question is: would we have the motivation to create a support group or would we choose tv-links instead?
Well, I guess we could organise some common TV links viewing!! As a saturday night activity, at the end of May!! :D
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