Well, well, well...
I had my first tutoring-session today! It was very interesting and I can't wait for the next one to follow, but I'm a little sad because so few people came!! We were only 4, (me included), which was very disappointing! It looks like I'm the one who's going to have to bring cookies to the students to keep them coming...
Anyway, that's not the main thing I wanted to tell you, reader, what this post really is going to be about is the
"tarte aux billes" (I guess "marble-pie" would be the best translation into English...) It's a cool place in Strasbourg where I spent a great evening yesterday with my friends M&M's, A, another A, and V of course, you already know her. Was nice to see them all! We chatted and ate, which is what normal people do in a restaurant, but in this one, you can "rent" some games, which is pretty cool. We played one called "Time's up", where you have to help people guess the names of celebrities. It's a kind of elaborate version of the Post-it game (you know, the game where you have only 10 questions to guess who you are). First, you can talk and give a kind of little "definition" of the person on the cards, then you can only say a word (for the same cards, so it's pretty easy, you just need to have a good memory) and then you can only make an imitation of the person on the card. We had people like Krouchtchev or Edvard Munch, so it's not that easy to mimick.

A gave us a wonderful Oriental-dance lesson (trying to make us guess Lawrence of Arabia -uh... I don't know really... is it Lawrence of Arabia in English?? Or am I sounding really stoopid?), and I imitated a windmill, (I was trying to help people guess the name of a famous French resistant). It's a pretty cool game. Besides, you can eat cool stuff with Nutella on it, and isn't that the main goal of any life-form on the planet?? Of course, V and I, who were just comin
g out of one more yoga session, were particularly energized and our chakras were wide open, so I guess it helped us exress so many different personalities through our body language. Did you know, reader, that you shouldn't take a shower after a yoga session? It disturbs your energies, and it's not a good idea at all.

Well, I hope you're glad that you learnt so much about yoga and places to hang out in in Strasbourg, I'll go away now, because I need to work a little... Buh... Too much to do! I came back home really late tonight because of silly train-strikes in France, and now I'm completely dis-motivated. Un-motivated. De-motivated. I don't know, but I'm sure you see what I mean... Good night reader!!
5 commentaires:
j'y crois pas !!! Je suis un des "M" de "M&Ms" ??? Tu ne manques pas de toupet !!! en fait j'ai d'abord cru que tu m'avais pas noté, mais c'est encore PIRE !!! T.T quand j'aurais un blog (quand j'aurais internet), tu vas voir ce que tu vas voir... Tu me le payeras !!!
Juste pour savoir... Je suis le grand jaune ou le petit rouge????... (j'aurais pas du poser la question, écrit comme ça, ça tombe sous le sens...). Je tiens juste à préciser que l'autre M fait la même taille que moi.
Oué!! T un des M de M&M's :D J'étais très fière de moi sur ce coup là... XD J'attend ton blog de pied ferme :D Et la réponse, bien entendu, est que tu es le vert, bien entendu, le vert avec un accent russe, le M&M's au bortsch, un spécimen très rare ^_^
eh, j'ai l'impression que tu confonds les M&M's avec les dragées de Bertie Crochue... T.T
Méheu!! Même pas vrai!! je t'invente un M&M's personnalisé, c'est la classe!!
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