Big news reader!! It's my hundredth post! I don't know why exactly, but it makes me feel happy!! A nice, round number!
Apart from that, I just wanted to tell you about my latest movie-experience... which was, "Enchanted" with Amy Adams and Patrick Dempsey (I seem to be going to the cinema every other day, recently, it's weird, but it's really nice!). I am no "Grey's Anatomy" fan (I never saw a single episode, though I hear they're really good), and I did not like his looks too much, so for once, I did not go and see a movie just because of the casting. And it was really cool.
The first five minutes are a little tough, because you need to get back into your ten-year-old self, but once you're into it it's really really funny and ente
rtaining, in a very classic kind of way. it's not as funny as Mulan, for example, but it's more of a classic Walt Disney, so if you're into Cinderella and Snow White, go see it, you won't regret it. I was not able to wipe the grin out of my face for at least an hour, and that's exactly why I went and saw the movie.

I liked the characters, Amy Adams plays really well, and so does everyone else, Patrick Dempsey, as I said, convinced me straight away, and I really liked the Prince, and the squirrel of course (that was kind of the same effect as the cat in Shrek 2, it's just so cute you can't help liking it.)
So yeah, reader, go see this one as well, join me in my cinema-going campaign! Next on the list, "My Blueberry Nights". I really don't know how this one's going to be, but I'll keep you posted! (I'm sure you can't wait to know my opinion about "My Blueberry Nights"...)
Have a nice day reader!!!
9 commentaires:
Houa, félicitations!Je pensais pas que ça faisait autant (Avec les notes de chevet pas de problème, c'est numéroté d'office....)
Merci merci!! ^_^ Quel Bonheur!! 100 Posts!! Yeah!
Wouhou ! La Centième ! Enfin, Le Centième !! It is ze time for ze champagne ! (Ouais, je sais, ça fait beaucoup de points d'exclamation pour un seul commentaire, mais bon.)
Bon, ben RDV pour le 200ème, alors !
Oué! Oué! Encore plus de posts!! Et du champagne, aussi!! Plein de champagne qui coule à flot!!
Ouais!! Et encore plus de champagne pour ton anniversaire!!
Et encore du champagne aussi pour consoler ta pauvre cheville et ton malheureux genou !
merci merci!! du champ! du champ! j'ai déjà la tête qui tourne!! :)
Moi j'en profites aussi pour me rattraper x2 de mon retard dans ton fêtage d'anniversaire ! Malgré la somptueuse mandarine d'anniversaire que je t'ai offert à midi, je t'offre ce magnifique message virtuel (ouahhh...) d'anniversaire. je suis une flambeuse.
Ah, mais je t'en prie, ça n'est pas grave du tout!! Et ta mandarine avait déjà tout compensé, merci beaucoup, ça a regonflé mon stock de vitamines!!
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