Well, I'm not going to lie, of course, I curse my alarm clock in the morning, and I'm sick as well, which did not help, but well, still, it's nice to get back to some work! I went to the university by car by the way! I'm so glad I got my driver's licence, really! It's weird, driving when you're sick... I don't quite hear things in the same way as usual... and trying to blow my nose on the highway ended up to be pretty... well, OK, that's gross, let's change the subject...

I'm writing this post today, because, big news, I am going to change the adress of this blog, in order to be a little more discreet about who I am (even though I am aware of the fact that NO ONE cares about who I am...) The only problem is, I have ridiculous ideas about what to choose, before the .blogspot.com. And yes, I am also aware of the fact that NO ONE cares what the exact adress is. But still.
I thought about "muchadoaboutme.blogspot.com", which is a little magalomaniac, and already taken anyway. So I tried muchado.blogspot.com, but it doesn't sound to good, and it's already taken too. I guess I must have an un-original mind...
So I'm writing this post today, reader, so that maybe you can give me some ideas! I'm at a loss, really, so if you have any, feel free to comment. Besides, it might happen that I absolutely don't ever change my blog's name, because it's MY blog, and I don't want it to change, but well, you never know, I'm always stressed out about someone googling my name and ending up on my post about how I can't get to work because I'm lazy and things... You never know. (I always day-dream about people googling my name, it's weird... Maybe it's because I looove googling people's names myself...)
Have a nice day!!
PS: This post was originally suposed to be about A Knight's Tale, but I got the news of Heath Ledger's death this morning, and it all suddenly seemed ironic. I don't feel entitled to speak about it, but I feel bad about not mentionning it, so I settled for these few lines: I feel really sorry, and wish I could have seen plenty of other movies with this very good actor.
7 commentaires:
Bon, je m'sens un peu concernée :-/ Première proposition: outoutdamnéd.blogspot.com.
Super jeu de mots shakespearien compris par au moins 1,24 personnes sur la planète!
Je vais essayer de trouver mieux... plus tard.
YAY!!! Un jeu de mot shakespearien ! Moi j'en avais un super, de titre alternatif, l'autre jour, mais j'ai oublié ce que c'était.
Ca va me revenir, c'est sûr...
ahthatthistootoosolidfleshwouldmelt.blogspot.com, Marion ? :D
Bref... Je suis à fond pour les jeux de mots Shakespeariens, et j'ai vraiment besoin d'inspiration!!
Merki beaucoup, et pis, ben, à bientôt!
(je continue à chercher...)
Méééééééééé non... Je rigole... ah, tiens, et si je l'appelais "preparetodie"? Je suis sûre que j'aurais plus de visites, mais est-ce vraiment une bonne idée, dans la mesure où la référence serait comprise par... 0,00002% de la population?? en plus, y'a pas, c'est moins classe que Shakespeare.
Ah, tiens, et bloodyblunder.blogspot.com?? Histoire de dire que j'essaie d'améliorer mon Anglais? Référence aux Brontë? Allitération?
Bref... très bonne journée!!
mois, question practice your english, je te propose "ruralsquirrel.blogspot.com". En plus, j'ai déjà plein de photos d'écureuils à te passer...
Bloody blunder roxxxx!!
Par ailleurs, je viens d'assister à une formation référencement (comment être mieux repéré par Google) tu veux que je t'envoie les données?
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