New idea, reader!! For a change, instead of writing stuff about the latest book I read, or the latest movie I saw, I thought I'd tell you about the five female fictional characters I'd most like to be. Once more, I am afraid I did not classsify them in any kind of order. I classified them in the order in which they came up, in fact. Besides, as most of my top fives, they are just today's top five, and not any kind of general and eternally right top five. I might write a completely new one tomorrow. You never know. Soooo, let's go...
1. Jane Eyre. Well, she's not pretty, and if I could, I'd rather be an incredibly
pretty and wondrous creature with glamorous lips and a pretty glow to her skin. Rather than a "sprite". But I'd still put her in my top 5 list of the fictional characters I'd most like to be like. Just because she's nice and lives true to her principles. She's independant and loving, she's solid and well... I just wish I could be more like Jane Eyre. Like perfect.
2. Martha Jones. Now I expect this one's not going to be recognized by too many, she's the Doctor's friend in Dr Who. I wish I could be her, just because she gets to do so many cool things, and had he ever asked me to follow him to some weird trip in his time machine, I'd have said yes too. Maybe. I wish I were Martha Jones, once in a while.
Aslo she's pretty and strong and clever and all. What's not to like ?
3. Elizabeth Bennet. Complete lack of originality for this pick, I know, but well, Elizabeth Bennet... What wouldn't I give to ride horses in a great big park under the willow trees in the company of Mr Darcy? I said Elizabeth Bennet, but I would also like to be more like Elinor Dashwood, who is perfect as well. And suits my purpose of riding horses under willow trees in the company of gentlemen. Only if I ever did ride a horse under a willow tree, I'd be likely to get swollen and red in a matter of seconds, and to have bloated eyes and a running nose, which would not be so romantic I guess. But then again, if I were Elinor Dashwood indeed, I would not have been allergic to horse because ozon would not have made me allergic, and I'd probably be just fine. Long evenings by the fire, embroidering purses and talking about Shakespeare's sonnets, here I come. Only I've never read any of Shakespeare's Sonnets. Well, I can remedy that, for sure.
4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Because she hardly ever complains and she's so strong. Now that I come to think of it, I'd also like to be Zoe, and Inara (except I might choose another line of business), Kaylee, Willow and nearly all female characters in Joss Whedon's fictions. Well. You know. They're all ulitmately cool. Except for River Tam, Drusilla and Glory, who are just a little too weird for me to really like. But still. Good thing too, they rarely have anything to do with horses, what with flyin

g around in spaceships or living in an American city, so it's quite all right. Besides, what wouldn't I do to be a crew member of Captain Reynolds, or one of Spike's acquaintances?
5. Princess Leïa. THE HAIR! THE LONG LONG HAIR!! And also, Han Solo. And the style. And the coolness. And the cool tresses. Which takes us back to THE HAIR!! THE LONG LONG HAIR!!Then again, I don't exclude the possibility of my being allergic to Ewoks. Sad but true. Anything hairy, but me, and then again.
Now I'm sure I've forgotten a good dozen of the fictional character's I'd most like to be (not to mention the fact that it's probably fictitious and not fictional), but that's what I thought of today. Might be a 'continued' post, you never know...
9 commentaires:
mpfah ah. Moi j'aimerais bien être Harriet Vane; Maud Bailey; plutôt Emma Woodhouse qu'Elizabeth Bennett; la fille aux cheveux très courts dans Pour qui sonne le glas (?); Jane Eyre OF COURSE, Buffy OF COURSE DE CHEZ OF COURSE, Kara Thrace (un peu); Dicey Tillerman; la fille qui fait que tous les mecs se cognent dans des lampadaires, ou trébuchent, tellement elle est impossiblement belle... quoi, comment ça "c'est un top five"?
PS: il y a un exemplaire des sonnets de Shakespeare dans ta maison. Devine où... :-)
Eh mais mais mais et alors... pas Les Yeux ? O_o
Bon pis si Marion a le droit, moi aussi : Eowyn, allez, tiens, soyons fous et midinettes (mais celle du roman, pas du film)... Yumiyoshi, de Dance Dance Dance (parce que le héros tombe amoureux d'elle rien qu'en la regardant remonter ses lunettes sur son nez)... Katherine Willows, des Experts Las Vegas (car elle est strip-teaseuse ET experte CSI !)... Una, dans La Femme du Capitaine Achab (la raison est dans le titre)... et euh... euhm... Anne, de Persuasion (eh ben oui). Ah oui et puis Mariska, de la Dame de Berlin, et puis Angélique, dans le Rêve, et puis Vesper Lynd, et puis... quoi ? Bon, OK.
Eh c'est qui Harriet Vane et Maud Bailey? Les gens de "possession"? Et sinon, Dicey Tillerman, c'est vrai, c'est vachement bien. J'y avais pas pensé. Et Emma Woodhouse... Non. Elizabeth Bennet. Quant à Vesper Lynd, ouais, là, vraiment! Elle est beeeeelle!! Bon, ceci dit, si je pouvais éviter de mourir noyée dans un ascenseur... sans parler de la scène RI-DI-CULE en bord de mer... mais quand même... Vesper Lynd...
Vesper Lynd, euh, bof quand même. Ou alors, à des moments bien choisis XD
Maud Bailey c'est effectivement dans POssession. Harriet Vane c'est la über cool copine de Lord Peter Wimsey. Elle écrit des romans policiers.
Ah et j'ai oublié de dire que la fille qui fait se cogner les garçons, c'est dans Fury de Salman Rushdie. Elle s'appelle Neela.
Siii Vesper Lynd!!! La scène de la douche!! Il enlève même pas ses chaussures!! (euh... J'espère que les gens qui lisent les commentaires ont TOUS vu Casino Royale...)
Et sinon, qui est Peter Wimsey??
Peter Wimsey, c'est le héros de Dorothy L. Sayers. Personnellement, je trouve qu'il a moins la classe que Thomas Lynley, mais bon, après, ça n'engage que moi.
Sinon, y'a Scully, aussi.
Oui mais la scène de la douche d'accord! Juste pas forcément toutes les autres. Pis son collier il est même pas joli, en plus.
Lord Peter Wimsey c'est un héros de romans policier. Il est ultra riche, pas beau, traumatisé par la première guerre mondiale, et cite Shakespeare tous les quarts d'heure. U-l-tra cool.
Scully, ouais, clairement ouais, une très bonne idée. Quand à Lord Cite du Shakespeare, Martha Jones, elle a eu le droit de le rencontrer!! Bon, OK, il étant nul, ce Shakespeare, mais quand même. Et aussi, je pourrais aller voir Jane Austen, lui rapporter un exemplaire de ses soi-disant mémoires perdues, et elle irait hanter Syrie James!
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