Well well well, reader, I thought I'd wait some more days to write this post, and then I thought I'd write a post about something else, but now I've just watched another episode, and I just figured I should write this post right now. Time to tell you what I'm talking about maybe?

I'm talking about How I Met Your Mother. No not yours, reader, come on, make an effort. How I Met your Mother is an American TV show. The pitch? Some guy is telling his children about how he... ?
Yeah! Met their mother! Glad to see you're following me. So the whole series is built like a giant flash-back or something, and you meet new people every episode or so.
The guy's name is Ted, and he's the most basic nice guy you'll ever find in a TV series. He reminds me of the Dawson's Creek series, (only Dawson's Creek was pretty lame, what with all these teenage kids giving speeches that must have been written by cheap shrinks... you need to get into rehab/the university, darling/my son/granny, being on coke/an alcoholic/a teenage mother is not going to make your father-son-boy-girlfriend care more/make your mother come back/win you Dawson's heart/make you pass your exams/help you deal with your homosexuality), insofar as he overthinks everything (Ted does, sorry about that, a new parenthesis crisis), and you can hear his thoughts (Ted's thoughts. Sorry). Only it's really funny.
It's a bit of a mix between Friends and the cute sides of Dawson's Creek, only they're not teenagers, and there's Alyson Hannigan in there too, which reminds me of how cool she was in Buffy.

Right now I just watched an episode which was so good it could have qualified as a romantic comedy as such. I think that's what's so great about this series, is the fact that each and every episode could become a movie, because it's got interesting and inventive plots and really cool characters. The last one I watched was about how Ted met a bridesmaid at a wedding (yeah, reader, indeed, it's not very original, but try and be tolerant, the main thing is not the idea itself, it's what you make of it. At least in this case.)
I really need to figure out what it is about romantic comedies that make me feel like that. I mean, I've seen so much of them, I should resist their engiggling power (I do know it's not a word, but hey, I'm sure you see what I mean. Don't pretend! I won't believe you if you do!) But I never can! I always fall in their trap and feel giggly, and then I cry in the end. Especially if I am alone, like tonight. You know, I was even known to cry during a 7th Heaven episode when I was alone. Though I despise 7th Heaven as the single worst TV series ever shot. YES, reader, worse than Smallville. Patronizing and know-it-all and intolerant. Bak!
Anyway, I wasn't talking about 7th Heaven, thank God (ha ha ha) but about How I met Your Mother. Besides, I've been watching the whole thing in English, and it's really easy to understand, no weird accent whatsoever. So well. If you get the chance... watch it in English though, because I watched an episode of the dubbed French version and found it really stupid.
Well, I'm getting hungry now, so I'll go cook some pasta! Pasta time! Oh, and here's to my friend H who first told me about the series! Have a nice evening, reader!
9 commentaires:
I think Dawson's Creek is way better than this show. I would much rather watch Dawson's Creek than this show. I don't think Dawson's Creek is lame at all. I don't think any show in which Michael Pitt plays a hawt hawt smokin' hawt high school football player is lame at all. That's just crazy talk.
I think this show How I Met Your Mother is boring. Although I do like Doogie Houser. He is really hot and attractive. Doogie Houser was a much better show than How I Met Your Mother.
What a coincidence. Just the other day, someone recommended me to watch How I met your mother. So I watched the very first episode, but I only watched it half-heartedly, I think I was doing other stuff at the same time. Anyways, this episode didn't quite convince me. Maybe it's because of this background laughter which may have become a bit old school in my eyes.
I still think I will have to rewatch this one back in Saarbruecken, though.
@ umasslytherin :
^_^ RIght OK, maybe I've been a little tough on Dawson's Creek, I've never been a great fan, and I never actually followed the series. It made me teary. But you've got to admit, the dialogues...
Then again, I never saw the episodes with Michael Pitt in them, which might have made me change my mind... :> I am more than willing to be convinced by such an argument... And as far as Doogie Houser's concerned, I've never seen any episode, I guess they don't air in France, but I'm going to research!! Thanks for commenting anyway, and I'll think twice before calling Dawson's Creek lame (in public) now!!
@Ann: Yeah, definitely!! We can have HIMYM nights if you like!!! Can't wait till you're there!!
Ben chais pas, moi ça me donne plutôt envie de la voir, cette série. En même temps, ils avaient des critiques dithyrambiques partout, alors forcément...
Et tu savais qu'ils allaient arrêter ER ? La 15ème saison sera la dernière... C'est vrai qu'il faut savoir partir avec dignité (un peu)...
Nooooon!!! Pas arrêter ER!!! Plus d'épisodes!! C'est déprimant! En même temps c'est vieux, mais quand même, ça faisait partie du paysage! Pitêtre au'ils vont faire des tas de spin off? comme pour les experts??? "Lockhart MD" genre...
Bref. Et sinonm ouim c'est vachement bien How I met Your Mother, mais pas trop en VF. mais au moins ça passe sur France 4, et je pense qu'en VF c'est mieux que rien...
c quoi HIMYM ??? :p
How I Met Your Mother = HIMYM... je suis trop paresseuse pour l'écrire en entier à chaque fois, parce que c'est trop long!!
haha, ok. jt en manque d'imagination.
mais si, je suis pour! :)
That's a deal, Miss P! HIMYM night, it is!
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