Isn't that cool ? "Sun pokes through my la-a-a-shes"... Don't know why exactly, the sun poking makes me smile. May be because I am sun-deprived at the moment who knows...
Anyway, I was on the bus this morning (as every morning) and since there was no cute Indian bus driver to talk to (did I tell you about the cute indian bus driver?) I listened to my MP3 player and it got me thinking about how much of the songs I really like actually come from series or movies. But mostly series. So I figured I'd do another top 5 about the series with cool music. Ho
pe I can find 5. Mostly I wanted to get rid of the gross art-work I designed for my previous post, I admit... but still...
1. Buffy. Buffy has been the source of many great songs that I listen to all the time. Including Nikka Costa's "Everybody got their something" which I find really cool, and brightens my mood everytime I listen to it. Right now, though you can't see me, I am shaking my head to the imaginary rythm of Nikka Costa. It is also thanks to Buffy that I now listen to K's Choice, though indirectly I must say, since the one who invested was actually my sister Marion. The Buffy Soundtrack song is called "Virgin State of Mind" and it is great, and I think it was the main reason why M finally bought the album, which I, in turn, listen to all the time. Though I know it is going to get me in the mood for slithering down to the basement and eating Nutella directly off the pot (lots of things have gotten me in the mood for that lately, though... Slugs are not the last of these reasons).
2. See ? I knew that. 2 only, 3 to go, , and I already need to think... Ah, yeah, House MD (would have said Dr Who gladly but -really- I can't. Dr Who's music is mostly just weird instruments going whoooo whooo whoooo all the time. I am not in favour of it.) The House MD soundtrack is really good, and I tend to think (though I am probably robbing some extremely worthy soundtrack-picker from his well-earned glory) that it is because Hugh Laurie knows and loves music. Whatever the cause, though, I listened just yesterday to "Desire" by Ryan Adams, thanks to House MD. I'm in favour of Desire, by Ryan Adams.
3. The problem here is that from 3 to 5 are mostly series I have never seen. I know of some great great songs from One Tree Hill, or the OC, or Dawson's Creek. I know the songs are great (the Snow Patrol and other truckloads of cool, girlie-pop) but alas, I cannot give my opinion as to the series themselves, insofar as:
- I have never even watched an episode of One Tree Hill mostly because I choke on my tears after watching the first 5 minutes of the show because the music is so moving, and then I feel ashamed, and then I go do something useful instead of watching TV.
- who knows what fans of Dawson's Creek could do to me if I dared to call it lame yet once again
- I have never watched the OC because I have not. I don't like the characters too much, so I change channels.
-There is also the strange case of Grey's anatomy which most of my friends really like, but which I have never watched. I hear the Soundtrack is brilliant though, so I mention it here.
Anyway... It is getting a little late here so I guess I'm going to go back home now... Hope you're having a nice day, and all !! Go listen to "Everybody Got their Something" if you're not, it might help...
Anyway, I was on the bus this morning (as every morning) and since there was no cute Indian bus driver to talk to (did I tell you about the cute indian bus driver?) I listened to my MP3 player and it got me thinking about how much of the songs I really like actually come from series or movies. But mostly series. So I figured I'd do another top 5 about the series with cool music. Ho

1. Buffy. Buffy has been the source of many great songs that I listen to all the time. Including Nikka Costa's "Everybody got their something" which I find really cool, and brightens my mood everytime I listen to it. Right now, though you can't see me, I am shaking my head to the imaginary rythm of Nikka Costa. It is also thanks to Buffy that I now listen to K's Choice, though indirectly I must say, since the one who invested was actually my sister Marion. The Buffy Soundtrack song is called "Virgin State of Mind" and it is great, and I think it was the main reason why M finally bought the album, which I, in turn, listen to all the time. Though I know it is going to get me in the mood for slithering down to the basement and eating Nutella directly off the pot (lots of things have gotten me in the mood for that lately, though... Slugs are not the last of these reasons).
2. See ? I knew that. 2 only, 3 to go, , and I already need to think... Ah, yeah, House MD (would have said Dr Who gladly but -really- I can't. Dr Who's music is mostly just weird instruments going whoooo whooo whoooo all the time. I am not in favour of it.) The House MD soundtrack is really good, and I tend to think (though I am probably robbing some extremely worthy soundtrack-picker from his well-earned glory) that it is because Hugh Laurie knows and loves music. Whatever the cause, though, I listened just yesterday to "Desire" by Ryan Adams, thanks to House MD. I'm in favour of Desire, by Ryan Adams.
3. The problem here is that from 3 to 5 are mostly series I have never seen. I know of some great great songs from One Tree Hill, or the OC, or Dawson's Creek. I know the songs are great (the Snow Patrol and other truckloads of cool, girlie-pop) but alas, I cannot give my opinion as to the series themselves, insofar as:
- I have never even watched an episode of One Tree Hill mostly because I choke on my tears after watching the first 5 minutes of the show because the music is so moving, and then I feel ashamed, and then I go do something useful instead of watching TV.
- who knows what fans of Dawson's Creek could do to me if I dared to call it lame yet once again
- I have never watched the OC because I have not. I don't like the characters too much, so I change channels.
-There is also the strange case of Grey's anatomy which most of my friends really like, but which I have never watched. I hear the Soundtrack is brilliant though, so I mention it here.
Anyway... It is getting a little late here so I guess I'm going to go back home now... Hope you're having a nice day, and all !! Go listen to "Everybody Got their Something" if you're not, it might help...
6 commentaires:
J'ai mis le dessin de la limace comme fond d'écran.
Sinon, le truc ultime en termes de musique, c'est Cold Case à mon avis. J'ai lu quelque part que la série ne sortira jamais en DVD parce qu'ils ne pourraient pas négocier tous les droits de toutes les musiques qui passent!!!
Et les Experts c'est moins bien, mais la séquence où le laborantin fait la danse du robot sur la chanson que tu m'as envoyée après, elle vaut une mention quand même...
Woohoo !! Une de mes ouvres en fond d'écran !! Tu crois ke je devrais les vendre ? Faire un partenariat avec Séverine pour renverser le marché de l'art en France ? XD
Cold Case, je connais pas la musique, en fait, je ferai attention la prochaine fois que je regarde, et les Experts, j'y ai pensé, figure toi, et après je me suis dit que je pouvais pas trop en parler quand même... mais celle là, oui, elle est classe (Word up)
Alors moi j'ai 2 remarques :
1) Quoi, du Nutella dans la cave ?!? o_O
2) Quoi, Dr House et on parle pas de Massive Attack ?!? O_o
1. Ouais, en ermite. Je fais aussi de l'alcool dans les tuyaux de la buanderie à base de gazon de la pelouse devant ma porte-fenêtre. Comme dans le Sayuki avec l'alcool des singes... (ouh, là, je crois que ma référence est pas très claire et qu'en plus j'ai mal orthographié Sayuki. Je vais sans doutes être poursuivie par le mur et le parapluie du démon...)
2. J'y ai pensé, figures-toi, mais en descendant les escaliers en sortant du bureau... too late !
Wow Claire you are a funny lady. But, leave the bus driver alone! You are too cute for a bus driver.
^_^ Thanks for commenting again, Mr Rush! Have a nice day !
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