The Top Three of Things Which You Thought Were a Good Idea But Turned Out to be Really Stupid.
1) Baking Bredalas. I think I told you about bredalas. In the definition in the Alsatian-Alsatian dictionary it expressedly states "Delicious little evil cookies which should be exclusively baked by someone else". Following that logic, I usually leave the bredala cooking to my mum, mostly, because she bakes duuuuh-licious bredalas.

A few weeks back, however, I decided to bake some in order to have a birthday present for a friend I have at the university. I went "yeah! It's going to smell like cinnamon and christmas in the kitchen, it's self-made and tasty, let's!". At the end of the day, the kitchen looked and smelled like the inside of a reindeer's stomach, I had spent three hours in the kitchen (three bloody hours! Can you believe that!? What have I done with my youth, reader?) and had an estimate 50 pounds of paper thin biscuits, which were hard as marble. And I cried and I cried...
2) Drinking rum to get over my cold just before my music oral exam for the Baccalaureat. Now look, I know this one sounds like it's so stupid I should be too ashamed to even write about it, but: I woke up, 3 hours to go before my exam, and I had a sore throat. I had to sing for my music exam, so what do you do?
2) Drinking rum to get over my cold just before my music oral exam for the Baccalaureat. Now look, I know this one sounds like it's so stupid I should be too ashamed to even write about it, but: I woke up, 3 hours to go before my exam, and I had a sore throat. I had to sing for my music exam, so what do you do?
A nice grog, that's what you do! Herbal tea, honey, and a dollop of rum. Only when your nose is blocked, you don't actually smell how rummy the whole thing is until you've drunk it up and blown your nose. At which point it is too late and you have to go complete your oral exam smelling like a homeless guy who randomly stumbled into the exam room. I did manage to complete the exam, and had a good mark too, and now that I come to think of it, maybe I should get drunk before my final oral at the end of the year. I'm sure the potential guy from the UNO in my jury would be sensitive to my impersonating Angela Merkel dancing the twist.
3) Now I believe this one is my all time favourite. I once heard a guy on TV say that putting a drop of dishwashing liquid on your glasses would prevent them from getting all misted up. It's annoying when your glasses get all misty. What's annoying too, is when your goggles get all misty at the swimming pool, because then you don't see anything anymore, and then you don't swim straight and then you bump into other people in the next lane. So what did brilliant Claire do?
3) Now I believe this one is my all time favourite. I once heard a guy on TV say that putting a drop of dishwashing liquid on your glasses would prevent them from getting all misted up. It's annoying when your glasses get all misty. What's annoying too, is when your goggles get all misty at the swimming pool, because then you don't see anything anymore, and then you don't swim straight and then you bump into other people in the next lane. So what did brilliant Claire do?
You know it! She put dishwashing liquid into her goggles, and went swimming. I was 15, like, waaaay too old to say I was too young to know. I leave the rest of that little story to your brilliant imagination.
There you go, reader. A top three. Could not muster 5 things worth being told (I could have put "going to the cinema to see Scary Movie 1 with my father", in there -I do believe I've never been that embarrassed ever since in my whole life-, or "eating that cookie with nuts in it, because it looked delicious", but enough is enough, and I already told you of the time I went to the "speed-friending event" in Austria (hahahaha) and also of the time when I sprayed window-cleaning liquid on my frozen windshield to make the frost melt faster and ended up driving on the pavement and losing a hubcap).
Now the cat is out of the bag (the rat is out of the henhouse ?). If you have additions to make to the list, please, do not hesitate. Might help me feel slightly better.
13 commentaires:
Hahhaha Est-ce que je peux dire que la n°2 devrait être n°1?
Rien à ajouter pour le moment, mais peut-être qu'un jour j'en ferai un marriage-related... Peut-être...
Oué, faire des bredalas, c'était limite, mais d'un autre côté, un top deux, ça n'a aucune gueule :D
Et moi je dis, les trucs que ça avait l'air d'être une bonne idée au départ mais qu'en fait c'était con, tout le monde en a des cools, j'en suis sûre. Surtout en ce qui concerne les mariages (le mariage en tant que tel étant parfois concerné --Diana et le Prince Charles, notamment, "ça avait l'air d'être une bonne idée, mais en fait..." XD)
Hahaha (aussi) ! On pourrait parler de la fois où j'ai trouvé que c'était une bonne idée de se brosser les dents sous la douche... Ou de celle où j'ai trouvé que c'était une bonne idée de t'emmener manger indien avant que tu ne partes en Irlande... XD
Ö~ (c le smiley qui vomit, mais il faut un peu d'imagination XD)
Quant à se brosser les dents sous la douche, moi même, je trouve que c'est pas si bête comme idée (Tested and nearly approved...) Il faut juste avoir un truc où ta brosse à dents tombe pas ^.^
ahaha best of ! Au rayon du numero 1 je pourrais aussi relater mon experience personelle avec les mysterieuses proprietes de la gelatine alimentaire dans la charlotte a la framboise; plus de gelatine=bonne idee !
Ou alors ou alors ou alors... ça avait l'air d'être une bonne idée de mettre du Synthol sur une ampoule ouverte (ben, ça désinfecte, non ?)
Maintenant que je réfléchis, j'en trouve plein !
XD Ouéééé ! La gélatine, en soi, je pense que c'est tout à fait applicable au concept ! La charlotte aussi, d'ailleurs, je pense. Bonne idée au départ, résultat final souvent plus que décevant...
Quant au Synthol, vraiment, tu me vois pas, là, mais je pleure sur le sort de ton défunt talon : '.'
Je suis sûre qu'il y en a plein dans le domaine des chaussures d'ailleurs, type "mettre un kleenex, là, bien coincé, comme ça pas d'ampoule" qui finit par "un kleenex qui tombe à moitié sous ton pieds/se déplace toute la journée dans ta chaussure, des bouts de papiers blancs tout roulés pourris qui tombent de tes bottes toute la journée et qui collent à l'ampoule qui s'est formée malgré tes soins"...
La médecine ! La médecine ! Chuis sûre qu'il y en a plein dans la médecine !
En même temps, dans le domaine de la médecine, ils ne sont généralement plus là pour en parler...
Non mais pas des graves, hein, pas les Darwin awards, plutôt genre l'amoule et le Synthol ! C comme VideoGag. C drôle seulement si tu es sûre qu'il ne se font pas mal dans la vraie vie (enfin, drôle... VidéoGag, quoi...)
Those are some bad ideas! Any way I can get someone to send me some chocolate Crescent. (I forgot how to pronounce it.)
Oooh ! Hello again Mr Rush, and thanks for commenting !! ^^
As for chocolate crescent, if you mean "croissant au chocolat" it's a bad idea to send them through the post, because they get all dried up and yucky in no time... Maybe a French bakery around the place were you live ? If you mean anything else, please do explain, I'm a little lost.
Exactly, Croissant au chocolat! As you may already know, I live in Fort Walton Beach Florida. I don't know if it is the water or what, but they don't taste the same outside of France. I use to eat them when I lived in England. There was a French bakery in Cambridge near where I lived. It's OK. I will return to the England soon enought.
Now, that sounds to me like a most fundamental violation of that most basic of human right that is "the Rightful Right to a Nice Croissant au Chocolat once in a while". Do call Amnesty !! ^^
But you're perfectly right, croissants (and baguettes for that matter) don't taste the same outside of France. They don't even taste the same in Paris and Strasbourg, in fact...
Good luck with your Croissant Quest in any case, and I hope it's sunnier in Florida than down here in Brussels !
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