Well, I'm back from Belgium, where I've worked a little (not too much) and had a nice time with my sister M and my sister F whom I visited in Paris, managed not to melt completely in the process, and now I'm back in Colmar, wondering about Fate and Destiny. It's kinda nice, having time to wonder about Fate and Destiny.
I think my Fate and Destiny will be to go to Berlin next year, for a year. What do you think about that, reader? One year in Berlin... I think it's exciting. I think they have Dunkin Donuts, in Berlin...
Anyway. I was looking through my stuff the other day, and found a bunch of doodles I did while working over the last two years. Since I haven't posted anything here in a while, I figured I might as well share, and also, maybe it will reassure you as to my ability to draw. It's not always as bad as what I manage to do with Paint. Sometimes, it's worse (ha ha ha)...

That's an owl. It's trying to keep its eyes wide open during a particularly boring speech.

That's me at different times of the day. Really cool job, this one, but a little... let's say intensive.

That's a dragon and his big dragon buddy...

I have no idea what that is. It says "let's talk about shrimp". NO IDEA. No memories about it whatsoever. This is very strange.
Sadly, I lost my notepad from Copenhaguen, into which I had drawn a lot. I also complained about people dressed as yaks, the fact that no one was listening and the cold, and wrote down some of the weirdest things I heard over there. And I did hear some really really weird stuff.
If I ever find it again, I'll be sure to share what I find in it with you...
11 commentaires:
j'adore les petites méduses et le dragon XD !!!
Hé hé hé, merci !
Yesss!! Des dessins! Moi ce que j'aime, c'est que sur tes autoportraits au cours de la journée, il n'y en a pas un seul où tu as les yeux ouverts. Haha!
J'avais même pas remarqué :D Si, le dernier peut-être... Mais d'un autre côté, il semblerait que mes yeux soient tombés de leurs orbites...
Non, je pense que tu gardes tes yeux demurely cast down parce que tu es une jeune fille bien élevée. Mais j'ai feint de l'ignorer pour faire une vanne.
Demurely c'est tout à fait ça :D
Good for you! Have a great time. Stay away from the donuts...they may increase your mass!
He he he, thanks for the comment Mr Rush! Long time no see! And as for the donuts, well, you know, donuts, chocolate croissants, I guess the mass-increasing power is just about the same :)
Note: It is soooo nice to see you have a new, clear photo.
Good to know you missed me!
Yeah ! Welcome back !
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