Anyway. I tried to pass my driving licence this morning, (that's me, there, with my instructor...) and I don't know if I have it or not, and it's driving me crazy (note the subtle play-on-words, reader...). The guy was nice, I had the support and wishes of all my friends and family (and even of some totally unknown people whom I stopped in the street to tell them about my exam today), my shakras were wide open, and I hope that my instructor, (who's fed up with my face) will beg him to let me through, but it's no sure thing, so I still worry. I had a blinker problem, and I parked a little too fast, but apart from that, I'd say it went well... Apart from that... Well I'll keep you posted.

Oh, no, apart from that I've seen a movie recently, (The Lakehouse) with Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock (I know I should be ashamed, but after all, there's worse). It was pretty good, and I thought I'd tell you, if you want to spend a nice evening, not spraining any neurone, this would be a good pick. I watched it with V, and we both expected it to be cheesy and corny (both), but it ended up being really cute. I can't tell you anything about the scenario, which is kind of original, bacause it would spoil the fun. Don't eat marshmallow while watching, though, you might need insuline...
Well, I'll go now, stress out some other place!! Have a nice day!!
12 commentaires:
lol! I love that last insulin line - brilliant! I have to admit it's one of those movies I wouldn't mind seeing (although Western remakes of Asian movies are sometimes a let down)... but I guess it's still further down the "To Watch" list I've got that never ends.
Hey! Thanks for the comment! (woohoo!! A comment from someone I don't know!! one more step towards superstardom!!! XD)
I know those terrible, never-ending "to watch" lists, which you always forget once you're at the video rental place... I did not even know it was a re-make! I'd like to see the original, now, here's one more line for my own list!
Thanks again!
Hoo! Ben alors ça veut dire que ça s'est pas vraiment mal passé!! Peut-être que ma stratégie qui consistait à surtout pas t'en parler pour pas te porter la poisse a fonctionné! Let me know (de toute façon j'appelle ce soir). Biiiz!
Il me semble que c'est Sôshi... Fégaf, elle va venir te tirer les pieds à toi aussi...
ouais, j'osais pas trop le dire, mais makura no sôchi, ça veut dire "appareil de chevet" ou "prairie de chevet", donc euhm...
Mais c'est PAS GRAVE !
Ah ben merde!! Je vais m'en occuper! Sôrri :D
Ah ah ah sôrri, lol, lmao, rotflmao!!
*se remet*
kh kh kh kh...
mouahahahaha Sôrri!!!
*se reremet et tente de quitter les lieux dignement*
kh kh kh kh...
mouahahahaha Sôrri!!!
*se reremet et tente de quitter les lieux dignement*
Et sinon, des nouvelles???
Mince, j'ai fait un double commentaire parce que j'ai décidé trop tard de mettre deux commentaires en un!
Vite, faisons-en un troisième pour rattraper le coup!
(désolée pour le faux espoir de vrai commentateurs, ceci dit)
eh j'voudrais pas faire ma chieuse, mais ce serait pas plutôt "sôlli" ??
(yahaaa !Pouvoir-des-blagues-nulles-qui-tuent-instantanément-tout-fil-de-commentaires !!)
Le pouvoir de l'accent japonais est sans limites! XD
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