Yesterday evening, I had another law class about contracts and work hours. I like law, the teacher is really good, but it's from 6 pm to 8 pm, and I wanted really bad to jump out the window and go home, eventually. But instead, I made a little list in my head of the five things I like to do best when I'm bored in class (aren't you thrilled reader? Is that not part of the things you REALLY wanted to know?)
On the fifth rank comes "thinking about what I'm going to eat next". I love this activity, because you can think about food for ages. The only negative effect is that it makes you very hungry. Besides, if you have, like me, a very talkative stomach, it can lead to embarrassing situations.

Fourth would be drawing little sheep and writing French words in Hindi in the margins. It helps time pass, can help you connect with your immediate neighbour, and you can practice your artistic skills. The main problem with this technique is that it clashes with...
Number three, which would be "get maniac about how my notes are presented". You recognize the courses that most bore me to the nearly worrying quality of the presentation. The margins are equal, titles are numbered and underlined in green AND red in THAT ORDER and there are no orthographic mistakes. If the teacher is slow, you might even find some sheets with no abreviation on them, but that needs to be a very slow and very boring teacher.

Number two, of course, is to make little writing experiments on a free sheet of paper (so as not to dirty the actual notes.) For example, you can spend endless hours trying to write with your left hand, or trying to write backwards or upside down. Good thing about number two is that it takes time, and you still look like you're writing down everything that's being said, and it gives you a very focused air. Just try not to pull your tongue or make faces, which can happen, especially when trying to write with your left hand.
And number one, my beloved reader, is of course to think about my next post. I figured talking with my neighbours wouldn't count, since it is way too obvious and too frequent to enter this top 5!
Have a nice day reader! I need to run and try to write with my left hand in another passionnating course :D
5 commentaires:
Eh ben c'est du beau !! Rassure-moi, la page de notes c'est pas la tienne, quand même ? Et sinon, c'est qui le chat du post d'avant ? Et la chanson ?
Le chat, c'est juste un chat de google image, mais j'étais tellement contente de trouver un photo de quelque chose qui dort en mangeant/mange en dormant que je n'ai pas pu résister à la coller sur mon blog tout de suite. En plus, un chat qui dort dans ses croquettes... Et la chanson, c'est Virgin State of Mind, de K's Choice, qui est le la BO de Buffy. Quelle belle chanson! Et la page de notes, non, c'est pas la mienne, les miennes elles sont vraiment super hyper propres et calligraphiées, parce que je suis une maniaque. Et ce commentaire est presque aussi long qu'on post, donc je vais arrêter là et aller répondre aux mails de ma prof d'Allemand... Ah, la la, le pool de traduction!! Ca a des conséquences auxquelles on ne s'attend pas forcément :D
Ah ben voui hein... selon les immortelles paroles de Bruce Springsteen himself... "with every wish/there comes a curse"...
An mais c'est Zebda en fait cette chanson là??
Curse, c'est aussi le terme que j'aurais employé...
Oui, C'est Zebda! "Dans ma classe moi j'étais pas le premier, je voulais pas me faire pendre par les pieds, celui qui avait la moyenne, était un caillou, qu'on faisait danser, oui danser, la danse des youyous". C'est une bonus track du dernier album!
PS: Il est booooooo le dit du Genji :D
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