What is this blog all about?

The main purpose of this blog is to give an overview of the things I do, in my everyday life, in order to improve my English. Since I am a very lazy person, I mostly read, and watch movies, and do things which make it possible for me to improve my vocabulary, my grammar and my accent without getting bored... So this blog is going to be about the books I read, the movies I watch, and some other things which I find relevant (or not)...

I hope you'll like it! Don't hesitate to leave comments if you have any suggestions concerning what I should write about!!

jeudi 17 janvier 2008

Here you are...

Wouhou, reader!!

Guess what? Wonderful news today!! I'm writing this post live from Bernard! Bernard is my brand new computer, he's beautiful, he's glamorous, and after undergoing a weird voodoo ceremony orchestrated by the Orange-preistess, he's connected to the World Wide Web, the most beautiful invention since the toasting of humanity's vert first marshmallow. (Bernard's real name is Vostro, he actually comes from another planet, with state-of-the-art technologies, but where people don't have teeth and only communicate by making puking noises. He's so pretty that he really needed to escape his own planet, and I changed his identity so that he'd never have to go back.)

So here's a thank you post to all who contributed to the arrival of Bernie here on my desk, which include Vincent, Marion, Françoise, my parents, and my grand-parents. Here's a special word for Vincent, who tried very very hard to save Bernie's predecessor, without success. It seems she did not survive the many hours of blogging and series-watching she had to endure while I was in Graz. Did I mention to you that I could use her as a microwave ? It got so hot sometimes that I could defrost bread with it. Anyway... Thank you for trying, and for helping with the choice of the newcomer, which is extremely cool.
Apart from that, there's nothing new, but this is already BIG news as far as my blogging career is concerned. I have to go now, because as usual, I should be working instead of writing posts, but this one really couldn't wait... So thanks again, to all concerned, and to you, reader, for reading this post until the end!

Have a really nice day!

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Ah ah ah trop malin le coup de lui faire changer d'identité! Bravo! Surtout avec la nouvelle politique sur l'immigration choisie... Bien sûr, bernard vient ici pour travailler, mais deux précautions valent mieux qu'une.

Claire a dit…

Oui, on ne sait jamais! Pas qu'il soit reconduit au Vostroland! Ca serait terrible! Il a une magnifique suite Office 2007 maintenant! Et tous les dicos et tout! Ca serait vraiment tragique!


Fran a dit…

Aha... moi le mien il arrive lundi. L'autre est en train d'agoniser dans la douleur et les larmes, il m'envoie des messages d'erreur et me flashe des écrans bleus 3 fois par jour, ça me fend le coeur.

Mais bon. Le nouveau il a XP (OUAIS !! Merci Vincent -- again) et Office 2007, alors je suppose que je réussirai à m'y faire...

Claire a dit…

Bon, ben tranquille!! Vivement lundi! (des fois, il faut savoir mettre fin à leur souffrance...) Et finalement, tu as réussi à faire une savegarde sur ton disque dur externe venu de l'enfer??
