What is this blog all about?

The main purpose of this blog is to give an overview of the things I do, in my everyday life, in order to improve my English. Since I am a very lazy person, I mostly read, and watch movies, and do things which make it possible for me to improve my vocabulary, my grammar and my accent without getting bored... So this blog is going to be about the books I read, the movies I watch, and some other things which I find relevant (or not)...

I hope you'll like it! Don't hesitate to leave comments if you have any suggestions concerning what I should write about!!

mercredi 16 mai 2007

On the beach...

Yeah!! I finally found an expat blog worth talking about!!!

It's written by a Canadian guy who has moved to Australia 2 years ago apparently, and he seems to be enjoying himself quite a lot there. I like his blog because it's very funny and entertaining to read, very well written obviously, since the writer's mother tongue is English, and it gives you quite a lot informations about Autralia, because he seems to be very fond of visiting different places in the country.

I must say I have not read all of his posts since I only just found the adress (by the way, the http://www.expat-blog.com/ site is really really handy!) but so far what I read was really good. He seems to be fascinated by Australia's scary wilderness and dangerous animals, so he writes a lot about shark attacks and stuff. And also, obviously, being Canadian, he writes about hockey a bit... Which doesn't interest me all that much, but who know's maybe you are a hard core hockey fan, reader, how should I know??

Anyway, I really like his style, and he actually has one post about language, which I find nice.

Here is the link! http://www.a-reminder.org/notes/ Check it out (if you want...)

Anyway, I have to run... let me just tell you, as a conclusion, how much I hate the stoopid qwertz keyboards!!! They are driving me craaaazy! Actually, I think I should be angry about French Azerty keyboard, which have led to my taking bad habits and typing twice as slowly as usual when I am in a foreign cournty...

2 commentaires:

Fran a dit…

Peut-être, mais nous on peut faire les accents sans avoir besoin de passer par les friggin' caractères spéciaux, alors...

Claire a dit…

Oui, mais en autriche, ils ont ö, ä, ï et sz sur le clavier, alors c'est un peu le même problème!! :)