What is this blog all about?

The main purpose of this blog is to give an overview of the things I do, in my everyday life, in order to improve my English. Since I am a very lazy person, I mostly read, and watch movies, and do things which make it possible for me to improve my vocabulary, my grammar and my accent without getting bored... So this blog is going to be about the books I read, the movies I watch, and some other things which I find relevant (or not)...

I hope you'll like it! Don't hesitate to leave comments if you have any suggestions concerning what I should write about!!

jeudi 24 mai 2007

On the road again....


I'm off reader!! Going to Bratislava with my sister Marion this week end! I can't wait to see what it's going to be like! I don't know if I told you, but my room-mate in Dublin came from there, and it sounded like a cool place to visit, so here we go! I split! Bye Graz! I'll be back on Sunday evening!

Besides, I got a mail from the said Slovak room-mate today, and she will, per chance, be in Bratislava tomorrow as well, so I'll get to see her again, which I thought would never happen! I'm very happy about that as well.

Well, there is not much to say about my trip to Bratislava yet, I guess, so I'll say good night for now, have a very nice week end, reader!! Hope it will be sunny, wherever you are, and hope you'll get some rest! I'll be back on Sunday (or Monday, if I arrive too late on Sunday evening) with an account of my journey and photos, as well, supposedly!!

1 commentaire:

George a dit…

hey claire!
thanks for your comment!

sorry for not having replied for some time, but I've been out of town for the last couple of days.

Thanks for saying that you like my blog, I appreciate it. Also, I do like your site pretty much. You are dealing with some personal stuff and issues and this really makes the entries very interesting to read. Look forward to reading more from you!


PS: I'm quite interested in your (our) wiki project. I hope that we can put together some nice movie entries, as this is something I'm particularly interested in...