I should be writing my report right now. I know I should, but I have been gripped by the procrastination virus again, a particularly baaaad case, since I have to hand the bloody thing on Monday. My internship is not even over yet, but, hell, I still write the report now, you know how deadlines are.
So I've been looking for things to do instead of proof-reading my work of art, and the first one that sprung to my mind was writing a blog article. Besides, I have brought my camera to work, today, in order to put a little color in my report, and I can show you a picutre I took just for you, my beloved reader
!! It's of a tree that's growing in a hole in the wall of a building in Asnières, where my sister F lives. I have been seing it on my way to work everyday for 3 summers now, and I think that this little tree is very brave, and likes to live. Isn't it romantic, reader??? Nature fighting to find her way in the city's grey walls? Yeah, I know, how original... I name thee, picture, "Nature fighting to find her way in the city's grey walls". Or maybe "here's what happens when you have no batteries and you flash doesn't work". Or maybe "what a beautiful summer we've had in Paris this year". You can pick the one you like best :)
Anyway. That's pretty much all I had to say this morning (ugh, it's early!! I came in at 8:30 instead of 9 because I wanted to work on my report, but then I thought better of it, and there we are... it's 9 now, officially time to start working seriously again, and I still haven't found the 2000 words I'm looking for... Suggestions, reader? Apart from putting a premature end to my studying language and starting a new carreer in bed-testing?
4 commentaires:
Ahaha, je l'connais cet arbre! D'ailleurs à Bruxelles il y en a plein des arbres dans les maisons. Pauvres maisons.
Sinon, pour tes 2000 mots, je suggère un paragraphe exalté sur les dangers de la faim chez les étudiants, et une copie de ta fiche de paie. Ou alors, un autre paragraphe exalté sur l'importance de la découverte de la vie en entreprise et le fait que ça évite de se transformer en étudiant arrogant qui donne des leçons de vie à tous ceux qui l'entourent sous prétexte qu'il a rédigé un mémoire.
Ouarf, non, c'est mort, je vais le rendre comme ça, mon rapport! Vaut mieux faire court que se mettre à raconter n'importe quoi, où dire la même chose deux fois, je me dis. Ceci dit, le coup de la leçon de vie, c'est à étudier... Je vais voir ce que je peux faire... Merci!!!
C'est Véro !
Moi aussi je le reconnais cet arbre !!!
w-e parisien oblige
(voilà mon commentaire palpitant)
Oué, et tu as vu, un titre en hommage à Max le Fox, tout de même! j'ai pensé à vous! :D
Merchi pour le commentaire! J'adooooore les commentaires!!
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