What is this blog all about?

The main purpose of this blog is to give an overview of the things I do, in my everyday life, in order to improve my English. Since I am a very lazy person, I mostly read, and watch movies, and do things which make it possible for me to improve my vocabulary, my grammar and my accent without getting bored... So this blog is going to be about the books I read, the movies I watch, and some other things which I find relevant (or not)...

I hope you'll like it! Don't hesitate to leave comments if you have any suggestions concerning what I should write about!!

vendredi 27 avril 2007

Kickin' ass

Hey!! Here is a flash post for you reader!!

Because of my growing fondness for Dr House (not so many things I can watch on my computer, but I sure can watch this, thanks to the brilliant "TV links" links!!!) I went to YouTube and checked out "Hugh Laurie".

And here I go, a new, wonderful, English speaking surprise!! how about that, reader??! I ended up with quite a lot of little videos of our new doctor heroe making sketches and singing song with his partner Stephen Fry. They are nearly as funny as the Monty Pythons, and all the videos I've seen so far were worth watching, though the image is somtimes a little bit crappy.

Under this link here, you'll find my personal favourite so far (Though I haven't seen them all, far from it).

And here is another one, maybe more thematic...


If you like them you can find some others in my brand new Video Bar at the bottom of the page.

Hope you'll like it, reader!! I'll go to bed now... time for a good night's sleep.. tomorrow's saturday!! Yay!! means I can sleep!! means I can sleep again the next day!! I just love Friday night!! Makes me happy!!

6 commentaires:

Claire a dit…

Oui, je commente sur mes propres posts, maintenant. juste un sondage francophone... vous trouvez pas qu'il ressemble à Kenneth Brannagh, de temps en temps??

Anonyme a dit…

Hein, quoi, qui? Euh.. Peut-être, je ne sais pas trop. Je n'ai pas vraiment fait attention. Tout ce que je peux dire, c'est qu'il a joué dans un de ses films, et un super chouette même!

Verena a dit…

Hi Claire!
I'm SO with you on Dr House and Hugh Laurie. He is just hilarious. But I'm so fascinated, that he doesn't have a British accent at all when he plays Dr House. At least none that I can detect...

Claire a dit…

Verena: He is!! He's brilliant. I heard him saying, in an interview, that it was the most demanding thing he had to do on set, faking an American accent!! It sounds so natural, though! I was really bluffed!

Marion: Dans quel film??? Attend, attend... non. Dans quel film???

Anonyme a dit…

Peter's Friends. You guys are so lucky... I've only seen the French version at the moment.

Mais sinon, ça ne m'a pas frappé hier soir qu'il ressemblait à Kenneth Branagh.

Claire a dit…

Non, mais en fait, c'est plutôt frappant que tu vois les vieux sketches de "A bit of Fry and Laurie" sur YouTube. Quand il était tout rasé et coiffé. Il ressemble à KB. Et d'ailleurs, Peter's friends, j'ai trouvé sur imdb!! Vive imdb!!!